Final packaging release
Packaging is finally released. Upload to Celum if relevant.
BM - All-in-One INT
After a successful Celum upload, the jobs are automatically archived three times a day.
10 – Archive
The job has been archived.
BM - All-in-One NAT
After a successful Celum upload, the jobs are automatically archived three times a day.
10 – Archive
The job has been archived.
BM - Allowlist
After a successful Celum upload, the jobs are automatically archived three times a day.
10 – Archive
The job has been archived.
BM - Druckerwechsel
After a successful Celum upload, the jobs are automatically archived three times a day.
10 – Archive
The job has been archived.
BM - Fast Lane 1
After a successful Celum upload, the jobs are automatically archived three times a day.
10 – Archive
The job has been archived.
BM - Fast Lane 2
After a successful Celum upload, the jobs are automatically archived three times a day.
10 – Archive
The job has been archived.
BM - Relaunch Design
After a successful Celum upload, the jobs are automatically archived three times a day.
10 – Archive
The job has been archived.
BM - Tray
After a successful Celum upload, the jobs are automatically archived three times a day.
10 – Archive
The job has been archived.
QM - Dekla Anpassung INT
receives flag “Celum Upload Packaging”, creates the data packet for Celum, loads the data into Wave and confirms the flag.
After a successful Celum upload, the jobs are automatically archived every morning.
10 – Archive
The job has been archived.
QM - Dekla Anpassung NAT
receives flag “Celum Upload Packaging”, creates the data packet for Celum, loads the data into Wave and confirms the flag.
After a successful Celum upload, the jobs are automatically archived every morning.
10 – Archive
The job has been archived.
QM - Allowlist
receives flag “Celum Upload Packaging”, creates the data packet for Celum, loads the data into Wave and confirms the flag.
After a successful Celum upload, the jobs are automatically archived every morning.
10 – Archive
The job has been archived.
QM - Fast Lane 3
The thermal label is approved, if necessary further coordination with the purchasing department can be done.
10 – Archive
The job has been archived.